I walked into the doors of Statehouse Expo Center, my feet walking with the sound of my bag rolling over the little cracks on the light floor tile, my white uniform as crisp as a fall breeze. With every step further, I could see more people. Lots more people. The mats filled with people. People who spend their whole lives working to be where they are, on those mats. Sparring, combat, weapons and forms. XMA in one corner, Black Belts in another corner, everyone else in a corner and staging in a corner. All surrounded by a Sr. Master or the occasional Master. When we get to a tournament, our team always meets up. Then all the kids go explore. We found our team and all the kids put away their IPads and Kindle Fires.…
Walking into the gym my smile grows larger every time. Smelling the chalk, I remember how far I’ve gotten and it brings me excitement every time. The sense of accomplishment I get as I walk in is surreal. I feel relaxed, calm, its everything I could ask for. The gym is really my happy place.…
Commitment is key to success in anything in life, no matter the activity involved. There are many activities for students to become involved in, some of which are sports. At my high school, the wrestling team has a special club for only the most committed wrestlers. Our coach calls this club the stud club, it encompases the ten wrestlers who show a desire to be something great. . After becoming part of the club, the ten wrestlers are given a shirt with a special logo on the front to wear as a badge of honor. I have had the luxury of being in the stud club for the past three years of my high school career. While it may not be an astounding accomplishment to anyone who isn’t a Fairmont wrestler, it’s a tremendous feat for one of us.…
This experience in fact has provided me with many different growth opportunities. One in particular is: teamwork. Many people underestimate the athleticism that truly goes into the sport of cheerleading. Three girls work together to put another human being roughly ten feet into the…
There are many different opinions out there about cheerleaders, many good, and some bad. Some people think of them as the girls standing by the football field, but I think of cheerleading as a symbol of all the spirit that we can share, and a token of appreciation toward the team that’s being cheered on. Cheerleading is such a vital part to many sections of the school. If I, Casey Harvel, were chosen to be a captain for the Michigan City High School squad, not only would I make sure that any negative opinions were squashed, but the great qualities the squad holds, are emphasized and constantly challenged.…
As we entered the last week of practice, I wanted relish what I thought would be the last few moments of the season. The varsity head coach was present at the last day of practice, and I was surprised when he pulled me aside during a drill. He told me that he had noticed my success during the season, and he wanted me to join the varsity team; for the varsity team still had two weeks of practice left before the state tournament. I held in my excitement and accepted his offer.…
This morning I picked up a gift of appreciation from Trophy Athletic Supply in downtown Milwaukee. I am so impressed by their quality work, fair prices, ability to meet my deadline and professionalism I feel compelled to spread the word. If you are ever in need of a gift of appreciation, award or plaque, I highly recommend Trophy Athletic.…
There have been arguments proposed that the sport of cheerleading is too dangerous for the human body and can be hazardous to your health. “All injuries resulted from direct trauma, 15 injuries were classified as nonfatal, resulting in permanent disability, 12 were serious and 2 were fatal. Activities most commonly associated with injury were, in order pyramid stunts, basket tosses and advanced gymnastics stunts.” (Shrier 2004) If taken into precaution, cheerleading can be beneficial to your body and can actually help you engage in physical activity and strengthen all parts of your body. There has been severe injuries following cheer, but at the same time the experience of being able to change your body in the right way is remarkable. In…
As a cheerleader, I took part in a high energy and enthusiasm activity, yet I craved more. “More” just so happened to be flag football. The summer before I entered the first grade I asked my parents if I could make the transition. My request was met with emotions including concern, intrigue, but most of all, support. My parents were not going to dissuade me from participating in any hobby, especially one I seemed so interested in pursuing. I showed up to the first practice with my curly, blonde hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. I was enthusiastic to learn and participate in the sport over which my whole family went ballistic each Sunday night in the dead of winter. Upon my much awaited arrival, the coach's wife asked what number I wanted to have on the back of my extra-small jersey. I thought ‘one’ was the…
It is thought that cheerleaders are superficial and only care about looks and popularity, when in fact; there are countless hours that go into the preparation of an awesome routine practice of a highly competitive squad that is known for their abilities. Conditioning is what makes a team the best they can be. After a while, cheerleaders feel that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Cheerleading has developed into a thriving activity, with determined athletes, demanding practice hours, and astounding bravery. Most people still do not give it the credit it deserves in the world of sports. In the past 20 years, the activity has developed into a worldwide, athletic phenomenon with competitive events at all age groups throughout the nation. It is growing fast here and gaining popularity outside the United States. "It 's been phenomenal. Better than I ever expected, within five years, this is going to be the norm just because it makes sense,” says head coach at University of Maryland, Lura…
Reflection allows an individual to identify the reasons or purpose of understanding the outcome of a particular situation in depth in term of emotions on thought and feeling on the topic area. In addition, Reflection is something that we do implicitly as part of being human, underpinning our identities through a process of negotiation between our sense of self and our experiences of others (Demetriou, 2000, p.210). Therefore, I have implemented this quote in my professional and personal goals I wanted and have achieved thought-out the process of the module. I have made continues effort in building my confidence in situations that I have felt uncomfortable in.…
Even though it sounds pretty corny and cliche, the team next year is going to be nowhere near the same without you. You’re always so supportive of each and every single girl on the team and I know that everybody can trust you the most with any problem that they have, whether it be on the cheer time or their personal life. You’re always there for the team, helping out in any way possible, whether it be fixing a whole pyramid with counts five minutes before halftime or by being a representative for our team at every orientation or school event. You represent exactly what a cheerleader should be, always showing school spirit, always trying to encourage the team to be friends with one another, showing enthusiasm during sidelines and spiriting instead of just waiting for halftime, and always expressing a kind charisma no matter what is going on in your personal life.…
The day has finally come; it’s the last day of cheer. After days of constant cheering, dancing and stunting, it was the day either for my dreams to be crushed or for them the come true. I couldn’t decide what to wear, what to expect, whether to wear a bow or not. My life is a hot mess at the moment. I am freaking out. I’m giving my self a pep talk trying to get my life together. Then all of a sudden I thought, “What am I talking about I am not confident in myself.” That is big problem because the whole point of being a cheerleader you need to confident and positive. “What did I get myself into?” “Why did I even tryout?” “None of the girls are going to accept me on the team.” Then I looked at the time. I had thirty minutes till I had to be there. I had nothing to wear, and I haven’t done my hair.…
This paper is going to identify an occurrence of invidious comparison and vicarious traumatization that I’ve experienced. Invidious comparison happens each and every day to practically everyone in the world. It is human nature to compare themselves to others,…
Throughout my placement on Redbrook ward, i have had the opportunity to be involved and take part in MDT meetings. By producing the following table, i was able to understand why having MDT meetings are important, and the importance they have on effective patient care.…