Name: Hydrogen
Atomic number: 1
Atomic Weight: 1.00794 grams/mole
Standard state: gas at 198 K
Hydrogen is the lightest Hydrogen is the lightest element. It is by far the most abundant element in the universe and makes up above 90% of Universe by weight. Hydrogen as water (H2O) is absolutely essential to life and it is present in all organic compounds. Hydrogen is lightest gas. Hydrogen gas was used in lighter-than-air balloons for transport but is far too dangerous because of the fire risk (Hindenburg). It burns in air to form only water as waste product and if hydrogen could be made on sufficient scale from other than fossil fuels then there might be a possibility of a hydrogen economy.
2. Helium
Name: Helium
Atomic #: 2
Atomic weight: 4.002
Standard rate: gas at 298 K
Group name: Noble gas
Helium is a chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas that heads the noble gas group in the periodic table. It’s boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements and it exists only as a gas except in extreme conditions. Helium is the second lightest element and is the second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass, which is more than 12 times the mass of all the heavier elements, combined.
3. Lithium
Name: Lithium
Atomic number: 3
Atomic Weight: 6.941 grams/mole
Group in periodic table: 1
Group name: Alkali metal
Color: Silvery white/grey Lithium is solid only about half as dense as water and lithium metal is the least dense metal. Lithium is known as losing its electron, so it becomes Li+. Lithium is mixed with aluminum and magnesium for light-weight alloys and is used in batteries, some greases, some glasses, and in medicine. Lithium is not made in laboratory since it’s so readily available commercially.
4. Beryllium
Name: Beryllium
Atomic #: 4