Chemical changes are irreversible because substances mix and cause a reaction which creates a new substance. Chemical changes can be caused when a substance is combined with a heat, water or another substance. Heat can cause a chemical reaction called caramelisation which is when sugar is heated at a high temperature causing it to break down. This gives the sugar a nutty taste and causes it to brown. Physical changes are changes that change the physical appearance, smell and taste of something and are reversible. When salt is dissolved into water it changes the appearance of the salt and the taste of the water. It is possible to get the salt back by boiling the water until it becomes steam and you will be left with salt.
Milk is an important ingredient used in baking for many reasons. It can be used to moisten dry ingredients so they can be mixed properly. The fat in the milk helps this to happen and it also adds flavour. It can also be a structural ingredient used to help a mixture stay risen while being baked in an oven. Egg is also another ingredient used to hold a mixture together. The height in baked foods depends on flour and egg while the texture is determined by sugar and fat. Butter is another fat rich ingredient that will help you mixtures turn out nice and fluffy or crispy on the edges when