4 September 2015
Block B
There are no calculations.
Analysis/ Critical Thinking Questions:
Compare your data for the pure substances with the data for each of the two solid mixtures. Which of the pure substances shows behavior that is similar to what you saw with the the two-solid mixtures (Mixture 1 and Mixture 2)? If you cannot positively identify your mixture, discuss the possibilities for the mixture. The starch and mixture 2 are both similar because they both did not penetrate when the vinegar was added; when the water was added the laid on top and did not penetrate completely; when the iodine solution was added to both they it turned black. Mix 1 would be substances 2 and 4; Mix 2 would be 1 and 5.
Compare …show more content…
your results for the unknown mixture (Mixture 3) to the observed characteristics of each pure substance.Can you identify any of the pure substances as a component of one of the unknown mixtures? Explain. Substance 3, baking powder would be the only pure substance that would be a component of mixture 3 because they both bubbled when water and iodine solution was added.
Based on your answer to question 1, what is the identity for each of your two-solid mixtures?
Mixture 1 is baking soda and starch; Mixture 2 is sugar and salt.
What is the major component of the unknown (Mixture 3), commonly used as an upset stomach and pain reliever? Compare your results to the ingredients on the package. Baking soda is the major component of the unknown mixture, which is commonly used as an upset stomach and pain reliever.
Two of the pure substances (baking powder and baking soda) are used to make baked products. What chemical property makes these substances useful in baking? How is this property useful in baking Which two of the five pure substances exhibit this property? Both substances release gas when combined with vinegar. This gas helps baked goods to “rise”.
Baking soda reacts with acidic solutions, but not with water. Identify which of the five pure compounds is baking soda, and which is baking powder. Explain. Number 2 is baking soda and number 3 is baking powder. Baking soda did not react with water and baking powder did.
One of our pure substances produced a characteristic color (blue-back) when it reacted with the iodine-alcohol solution. Starch is an organic compound you have probably encountered in your biology course. Identify which of the pure substances is
starch. Number 4 is starch. Number 3, baking powder often gives a purple-black color, too, but much less intense, since it contains only a small amount of starch.
Problem/ Objective: How can you identify a common household chemical by comparing its properties with the properties of known materials? “World of Chemistry by John Little, 2013.”
Hypothesis: If salt, baking soda, baking powder, starch, and sugar are each mixed with water, vinegar, and a methanol solution containing dissolved iodine then it will be able to identify the household chemical by comparing its properties with the properties of the known materials.
Hypothesis Supported or Not Supported: This hypothesis is supported.
Data to Support/ Not Support the Hypothesis:
Through the observations of the properties we determine that mixture 1 is baking soda and starch.
By our observations of the properties we determined that mixture 2 is sugar and salt.
Error Analysis:
There is no error analysis.
There are no improvements.
Major Scientific Principle Discussion: The scientific principle was to observe the interactions when several pure substances are mixed with wear, vinegar, and a methanol solution containing dissolved iodine. The results from this activity relate to the textbook, by learning that you can tell whether a chemical reaction has occurred from gas evolution, color change, and release of heat. Chemical property is the ability of a given substance to change to a different substance. A physical property refers to all other characteristics of the substance, such as color and state. Now we can observe chemical and physical properties throughout our every day lives. This lab is important because by observing the properties we can identify an unknown substance or determine the contents of a mixture of substances.