Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed. Chemistry has to do with many things we use today. For example, fireworks are made by the chemical combining magnesium, titanium, copper, aluminum, strontium, or other periodical elements. Things also like making plastic, jewelry, coins, etc. In this chemistry lab, you will be working with many different chemicals, calculations, equipment so it is wise to learn how to work them.…
Chemistry is defined as the branch of science that deals with identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances. Chemistry is important to my everyday life and society because everything exists because of chemistry. For all things to live survive or exist, it requires the use of chemical processes. All things depend on a chemical reaction to function and survive.…
With out the periodic table there would be no chemistry and without the walls and floors and other elements of a building, it would not exists.…
Transportation is a part of technology and has hugely helped society, by saving time when traveling. Traveling in cars, trains, and buses are used by the public daily. Now a 30 mile drive takes only 30 minutes compared to a horse and buggy taking 30 minutes to go 2 miles. Communication has increased as well. Cell phones, TV's, and radios improve communication and are used by the public daily.…
Vaccinating your children helps them from catching certain diseases. In return, when children are protected from these diseases they eventually will disappear. It makes more sense to prevent these diseases rather than trying to cure them because then these diseases are still out in the world.…
Chemistry happens all around you, for example, when you cook food, add chlorine to your pool, digest food, and drop an antacid tablet in a glass of water.…
Protecting your child or children from preventable diseases is very important, and can be the difference between life and death. Vaccination protects your child from serious illnesses and diseases, which can include amputation of a leg or arm, paralysis of limbs, hearing loss, convulsions, and brain damage.…
Firstly, vaccinations are very important as they prevent children from serious and deadly diseases, such as malaria, Influenzas and many more other diseases. On the other hand, some vaccinations that…
One of the greatest public health interventions that has had an impact on fighting diseases is vaccination. According to Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, a vaccine is any suspension containing antigenic molecules derived from a microorganism, given to stimulate an immune response to an infectious disease. The 19th century and the 20th century were known for the great achievements of great vaccine scientists such as Louis Pasteur and Edward Jenner. A substantial amount of vaccines prevent illnesses or death caused by infectious diseases for millions of individuals every year. Without vaccinations, infectious diseases would have taken over the world. Childhood vaccinations are important. Why? “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” quoted by Benjamin Franklin-one of our founding forefathers. It is important that your child receive their scheduled vaccinations or as we most commonly use “get their shots”. Childhood vaccinations do start at birth. A childhood vaccination protects the child from diseases, helps contain disease outbreaks, and is the law.…
* Chemistry can be useful in explaining the natural world, preparing people for career opportunities, and producing informed citizens…
Chemistry is one of those subjects in school that you can take in college at an advanced level. Taking Chemistry can benefit a person in ways that you might have not thought. Chemists might actually make more money than you might have thought. You might be interested in a chemistry career, so read the following and see for yourself if chemistry is the career path for you.…
Chemical reactions are the basis of life on earth. As human beings, we are little more than the naturally abundant elements of which we are composed and the reactions between the compounds that they form. After all, how could life exist without water? Oxygen transport in a body the size of the human body would be impossible without the aid of a complex like hemoglobin. Besides being the basis of many of life's intangibles, chemistry also plays an active role in our daily lives.…
In fact, I loved it so much that I took not one, but two years of it. Because of this single class, I constantly find myself calculating partial pressures or writing molecular structures for every compound I know. The most fascinating part about chemistry is it’s everywhere! Whether it is understanding how biological chemistry keeps us alive or how the chemicals in our food nourish the body, chemistry is crucial to survival, yet, chemistry isn’t just fascinating in an anatomical way, it’s all around us. Take pasta, for instance, my favorite meal to cook and eat. Now imagine, making this dish at least three times a week for the past six years. Wouldn’t you wonder what chemical processes occur when cooking, or how to boil water the fastest? That’s what chemistry provided me--a platform to make the mundane process of cooking an exciting experience that I can fathom on a molecular level. I just can’t say it enough, I love…
Chemistry is a central discipline and a very important subject which is very often studied thoroughly in most colleges and universities. Like physics, math, economics, biology, or geometry, chemistry for many centuries remains a root science for the development of a great deal other theoretical and practical scientific branches and disciplines. Very often, chemistry becomes a topic of academic essays, term papers, research papers, reviews, and other academic papers.…
Personal Statement As the years have progressed my interest in biochemistry has vastly grown as I became more engrossed in the As a child I recognised my strengths in the sciences; in logical thinking, problem solving and the practical nature of these subjects. All concepts of chemistry appeal to me, especially learning about how life itself revolves around elements and compounds. It motivates me to think that I could contribute to new discoveries tha would improve people’s standard of lives and their well being. Biology also plays a vital role in my education in discovering the answers to many profound questions about the very essence of life. I developed a special affinity towards biology and chemistry…