1. Your lab report must be written by word processor or by hand. Note that if it is written by hand it is your responsibility to ensure that it is legible and written in ink.
2. You must attach a cover sheet that will be the front of the report that contains your name, student ID, rotation number, and the name of your TA. Your rotation number = 1 if you are in my tuesday class and your rotation number = 2 if you are in my wednesday class. Failing to provide any of the above information will result in a loss of marks.
3. If an experiment requires you to prepare a graph to present your data then all graphs must be plotted using a graphing program such as Microsoft excel. If you present a graph in your report that is drawn by hand you will receive no marks for that graph.
4. If an experiment and report requires you to present numerical data make sure to be cautious of correctly presenting the correct number of significant figures in your report.
5. Detailed instructions on how to write a lab report are provided on pages 10 – 15 of the lab manual.
6. Do not write anywhere in your report procedural steps and that includes the discussion. The discussion is for talking about your results and is not a list of what you did.
7. When asked to provide calculations, for full credit you must provide a labeled and systematic approach showing all steps and assumptions required to determine the required results. All calculations must be typed or written legibly.
8. You must submit the complete set of original copies (i.e. the white copies) of your Data/Observation sheets that were signed by your TA with your report. Any attempt to alter the original data or use a different set of data in the analyses contained in this report is an act of academic dishonesty and will be penalized as such. Some marks will be allocated to the completeness of your data.
9. It is an act of plagiarism and it will be penalized as such to use any data or