Problem: In which temperatures, 5°C or 47°C, will the cherry belle radish seeds germinate better over a 9 day period?
Hypothesis: If temperatures of 5°C and 47°C are used on cherry belle radish seeds to study which temperature will be better for the germination of the seed for 9 days, then 47°C will be the best temperature because 5°C would be too cold for the seeds to grow in.
The manipulative variable in this lab is different temperatures in Celsius. The range to be used is 5°C and 47°C.
The control used is the room temperature which is 20°C.
3 constant factors used:
1. Water the seeds every other day with 15ml of plain water. …show more content…
Place petri dish A into the incubator with the temperature set to 47°C
6. Place petri dish B into the refrigerator with the temperature set to 5°C
7. Water the seeds every other day for nine days.
8. Measure the grow of the radish seeds from the roots to the leaves every other day for 9 days.
Control group:
1. Label one petri dish C
2. Get a paper towel, fold it, and wet it with 15 ml of water and put it into petri dish C.
3. Put 6 seeds into petri dish C. Name each seed A, B, C, D, E, and, F.
4. Cover the seeds with the wet paper towel and close the petri dish.
5. Place petri dish C in room temperature, 20°C.
6. Water the seeds every other day for nine days.
7. Measure the grow of the radish seeds from the roots to the leaves every other day for 9 days.
Qualitative Data: The cherry belle radish seeds never germinated in the temperatures 5°C or 47°C. The seeds in the 47°C looked dark brown and had a burnt smell to it. The seeds in the refrigerator at 5°C looked the same as it was on the first day of the experiment. Only the seeds in the control group germinated, and it grew small, feather-like roots and green leaves.
Quantitative data:
Name of the seeds
5°C …show more content…
The 5 was too cold for the cherry belle radish seeds to grow. The 47 was too hot and burned up all the cherry belle radish seeds. Only our control group germinated because it was in normal room temperature.
Analysis: At 5°C, the cherry belle radish seeds did not germinate because the temperature was too cold. At 47°C the seeds did not germinate either because the temperature was too hot. Only the seeds in the control group with 20°C germinated with an average rate of 6. 5 cm because the temperature was just right for them to grow. The average temperature for cherry belle radish seeds to germinate is between 17°C and 25°C
"Organic Radish, Cherry Belle." n.d. n. page. Print. .
Miller, Lavine. Biology. New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2004.