Chapter I A. Background of the study
Radish is an annual herb widely grown for its edible fleshy, hot tasting roots maybe red, white or purple. Every part of the root or the plant can be used in different ways. The leaves and the roots are eaten raw in salads. Likewise, it can be cooked or mixes with meat to satisfactory attain its delicious taste. Aside from food, it is dried for juice extraction.
Radishes grow in Asia, Europe and America. It was the favorite of the ancient Egyptians, Greek and Chinese. Radishes are the easiest of all garden vegetables to grow, but they should be given in a good rich soil. The first seed must be sown as soon as the ground is workable and not too cold for the seed to germinate.
B. Objectives * To produce pesticide out of radish extract. * To have a biodegradable pesticide.
C. Statement of the problem
What is the effect of radish extract as pesticide on aphids or ants?
D. Hypothesis
Alternative – The pesticide that was made from the radish extract will work.
Null – The pesticide that was made from the radish extract will not work.
E. Significance of the study
In choosing this project, we want to contribute knowledge in maintaining the good health of vegetable plants by using a pesticide out of radish extract. It can help in livelihood by producing good crops. The harvest can be sold to market as an additional income. It can also minimize the number of planters who used chemical which are found distractive to the environment.
F. Scope and Limitations This study focus on producing pesticide out of radish extract. And it is also the utilization of the extract from radish as pesticide against different kind of pests like worms, ants and aphids. G. Definition of terms 1. Radish Conceptually * A Eurasian plant (Raphanus sativus) having a fleshy edible root and white to purple flowers clustered in a terminal raceme. * The