Childcare is an Integral Part of Balancing Work and Family
1. More and more families with young children are trying to balance parenting and work. The provision of accessible and affordable childcare is an integral part of meeting this balance. As debates are held over paid maternity leave and flexible work practices, childcare must also be recognised as a significant factor in assisting working families in our modern society.
2. There are a myriad of reasons why families need childcare assistance. Some families need two incomes to survive. Other parents can not afford not to work for a substantial period of time if they want to keep their job or maintain a meaningful career. Childcare services can also provide a respite from home duties for parents who are not currently in the workforce. Whatever the reason, it is clear that balancing work and family is a major issue for our community that needs to be addressed urgently.
Many Australian Families use Childcare Services
3. There are about 1.5 million Australian children under the age of five. Every year 250,000 new babies are born. By the time a child is in his or her second year, 57% of mothers are back in the workforce. By the time their children turns three, 68% of mothers are back in the workforce. In 2001, more than 830,000 children between the ages of 0-12 used some part of the Commonwealth child care system.
4. And the number of working families has been steadily increasing over the past decade.[1]
5. We also know that many parents are working longer and harder than before.[2]
6. Parents struggle to find childcare places and are concerned about the cost of care and the quality of care. Working families need their child care services to be:
(a) accessible;
(b) affordable; and
(c) of a high quality.
7. There are good policy reasons for ensuring childcare is accessible and affordable for working families and children.
8. The benefits of providing adequate childcare support for working