Wilmington University
SOC 340-B1D02
August 19, 2011
Two research methods - an experiment and survey - were used to answer the research question asked: “How effective is Child-Centered Play Therapy (CCPT)? A non-pharmaceutical treatment option for school-aged children diagnosed with ADHD”. This paper is set up to show an example of the possible result of a research conducted to show the effectiveness of CCPT. Within the experiment a host of 20 school-aged children were to be used with 10 variables being boys and 10 variables being girls. All variables used were between 7 - 14 years of age.
The second method selected - a survey - was a written questionnaire that would be distributed by a physician’s office that treats children with ADHD. The written questionnaire would consist of a host of questions pertaining to children and their current treatments of ADHD.
What is ADHD? ADHD is – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder -, a disorder that can be prevalent in children as well as adults. ADHD is known as an emotional & behavioral disorder with hyperactivity. According to Golden (2009), ADHD - Attention - Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is "the most common emotional, cognitive, and behavioral disorder treated in youth" (p. 325). Ehrlich and Schroeder (2004), argues ADHD is characterized by a short attention span and impulsive behavior (p. 292). Furthermore, Borg (2009) found that ADHD effects 3 to 5 percent of school-aged children, the majority of children effected are boys (p. 325). Furthermore, the CDC (2011) argues that the state of Delaware has the highest prevalent ADHD cases with 14.1% of children suffering from ADHD state wide while Arizona and Idaho have the lowest prevalent cases of ADHD in
References: Borg, S., (2009). Adhd and problem solving in play. Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties. Vol. 14.doi:10.1080/13632750903303161. Bratton, C., et Cordier, R., et. al., (2009). A model for play based intervention for children with adhd. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1630.2009.00796.x. Ehrlich, A., et Izzo, A. , L. , (2010). Why play therapy. Focus Integrated Team Approach For Children. Retrieved from: http://www.focusforchildren.com/services/psychotherapy. Kingsley, E. , (2010). Play therapy for children. Techniques, toys, and activities. Retrieved from: http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/print/8374.html. N. A., (2009). Noteworthy briefs from the field. Psychiatric Dispatches. Primary Psychiatry, 16(8), 17. Retrieved from: EBSCOhost. N N. A. , (2010). Research. Centers for Disease Control. Retrieved from: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/research.html. Posey, et. al., (2009). Preschool adhd and medication more study needed. Journal of Early Childhood & Infant Psychology. (5)57-77. Retrieved from: EBSCOhost. Schottelkorb, A., A., and Ray, D., (2009) Smenyak, S. , (2011). Play therapy with children exhibiting symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Retrieved from: http://www.ehow.com/print/way_5762599_play-symptoms-attention_deficit-hyperactivity.