Peter John Bakas
January 17th, 2011
As in any situation with any student that is special or gifted or that IDEA, IEP, and 504 Plans, have to be the first and foremost concern for all parties involved. “Education For All Handicapped Children Act Passed in 1975 Guaranteed and enforced the right of all children with disabilities to receive free and appropriate education Considered the foundation of special education in the United States; 1990- Law renamed to IDEA. What is an IEP? Individualized Education Plan Written plan that describes the program and special services a student requires to be successful Developed by parents and educators Individualized- plan specifically developed for a child’s special needs Modified usually each term based on the ongoing needs of a student It can cover one or more areas- academic, social, and independence needs. What is a 504 Plan? Under the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 “The right to full participation and access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to all children regardless or the nature of the disability”; Provides a “Level the playing field” for students”(collaborative models--ieps & 504's, 2010). I have listed the following steps to a 504 (collaborative models--ieps & 504's, 2010): 1.) Student is referred by a teacher, support staff, parent, physician, or therapist. 2.) 504 plan meeting is held Plan for student is developed Review date is set 3.) Accommodations- A diabetic student may be allowed to eat in the classroom or student may be permitted to go to the office to receive medication 4.) Assignments or testing conditions may be adjusted ( more time, less or modified test questions)
Having a student such as Fred in class can be very frustrating, but we as teachers can do things to make both of your lives a little easier(Hogan, Dawn, 1997): * Consult the experts: parents, previous teachers, specialists, guidance counselors, and
References: collaborative models--ieps & 504 's, 2010, Retrieved January 17, 2011, STRATEGIES FOR TEACHING STUDENTS WITH ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER (AD/HD), What Are the Psychological Effects Associated With ADHD? , Retrieved January 15th, 2011, Quick Guidelines for Parenting (or Teaching) Kids with Attention Deficit Disorders, 2011, Retrieved January 15, 2011, M. Henley|R.S. Ramsey|R.F. Algozzine, Pearson Allyn Bacon Prentice Hall, Educational Approaches for ADHD, 2011, Retrieved January 15th, 2011, Smith, D.D. & Tyler, N.C. (2010). Introduction to special education: making a difference. New Jersey: Merrill. Teaching Tips for Those Working with ADHD Kids, 2010, Retrieved, December, 10th, 2010,