• Child nutrition
• Immunizations
• Emotional/Psychological development
• Sensation/Movement
• Child care.
In the first two years of life there are several things that need to be cautiously thought of when caring for a child. Beginning with nutrition. Nutrition is a vital component in development; without adequate nutrition the body and brain cannot properly develop. It is good for new or expecting moms to learn of the benefits of breast feeding. Not only is it free, but breast feeding may help promote bonding and also gives nourishment and protection against illnesses to a child that dairy milk may not provide. New parents should understand the importance of getting a child proper immunizations. Immunization shots will help the child from contracting unnecessary illnesses that may cause permanent damage (i.e. blindness or deafness) or life threatening diseases. Vaccinations have drastically changed the death percentage of children in the last fifty years and most would say the pros outweigh the cons on every level.
Teaching new parents the importance of a child’s emotional and psychological development may impact not only their childhood but how they may learn to interact with society as an adult. Parents must learn the significance of making a child feel loved and secure without putting emotional stress on the child. Holding, talking to, and keeping a calm presence around a child will help soothe and comfort them throughout childhood. Providing a child with a Christian home and upbringing may help develop a child’s understanding of love and sense community in a world that leaves you feeling cold and alone. Parents should be aware that the five senses may be present at birth but are rapidly developing and should be monitored throughout the first year to be sure of proper development and no deformities