Many people around the world think that child labour is something that only happened in the pass.These people are mistaken. They would be astonished if they actually knew the true figures of children that suffer and are exploited daily by people who make the work outrageous hours for hardly any reward.
Around about 246 million children are enforced in child labour. Many of these helpless children not only have to deal with the amount of work that has been given to them by their employers, they are also made to work in very dangerous conditions such as working with chemicals.These children are even forced to handle dangerous equipment that even an adult would have trouble handling.
Millions of girls are made to work in houses as servants or other occupations.These jobs include a lot of cleaning, cooking and ironing. The reason that they are made to these kind of jobs is because they are considered as not strong enough to do other jobs such as heavy lifting.Others are "promoted" to prostitution and pornography.
Asian and Pacific regions are known to have the largest number of working children.Around 128 million of these children are ranging from the age group of five till fourteen. I personally believe that in those regions parents are not the only people responsible for child labour but also the government of these regions which allow child labour, or just bypass it.
In Cyprus for example, we dont really have a problem with child labour for the simple reason that if even a 15 year old is caught working somewhwere under a salary, the store he/she works for definitely will be penalized to some extent.Of-course I am not comparing Cyprus with any other lower developed counry as its clear that Cyprus is in a much more advantageous position,however the government of hese LDC's should not use child labour in order to resolve problems in their economy or any other probles that the government migh be facing. A government is set to be responsible for