In Humber College, when I was enrolled in an Early Childhood Education a course known as “Social Justice” helped me elaborate on topics like poverty which i didn't expect to apply in this course. The article …show more content…
In comparison to my previous understanding and my current understanding, I have inferred that child poverty is one of the issues that individuals should be more aware about and consider the steps that can be taken. My previous perceptive has changed with the knowledge that has been given to me, such as guest speakers coming in with their real life stories, or going back home to help the families in need of basic needs.
In this course, we discussed a diverse amount of topics, but poverty was a major issue and was in most of our class readings. From these readings, I have grasped a lot of knowledge about this topic, and I perceive this topic based on research which was reveled along with the history behind the issues and how countries came together and formed an action plan.
For example, Campaign 2000 was a campaign that I have learned about in this course that relates to child poverty as their emphasis is relevant to child poverty because they are a “ public education movement across Canada to build awareness in Canada towards Canadians”.(, 2016). When I read about this campaign, I felt that many people will be more aware about poverty and contribute to help because with the support of media there is an enormous amount of influence and members in a society are …show more content…
An article was published with the headline of “High Cost of child care keeps many Toronto families in poverty. This article has mentioned social groups which I have learned in this course, and the factors that affect these social groups from the social group charts of oppression and privileges.
I have also learned how these factors affect individuals and from my findings, I have noticed that the child care rates lead the low-income families to poverty, because if parents are not employed they cannot afford