extreme brutality such as being forced to witness or even participate war…”(Lyon 53) This is brutality they are being put through is not something any kid should ever have to be put through they should be playing and being kids not be trained to be killing machines. Its not like this kids are even wanting to do it most often we see these kids being forced to join war and not have a choice to even want to join. “Violence exposure can lead to disturbance in cognitive function, emotional difficulties such as depression…”(Gordis, Margolin, and Medina 2623) Also all this violence that the kids get put through is not good for them it causes them to have doubt and even drop into deep depression. This is just cruel seeing this kids drop in to deep depression cause they were forced to join and war and to shoot innocent people just as they are but they know no better cause they are told to do that and they have to obey orders or they are going to get in trouble. After they have been introduced to the war they have seen some graphic and memorable stuff that may never leave them.
We see these kids being chosen or even forced to join the war but is the consciences after the war they are left lost and often very depressed. “In times of war it is likely that a child’s family has been killed or his or her community wiped out…” “…Children face emotional challenges in their transition civilian lifestyles…”(Lyon 53) Its not like the kids can go back to living the same lifestyle as they were living before, instead their whole life is being altered and transformed in many ways. Some kids often go home to broken family or even lost loved ones and family …show more content…
memebers. They tried to do many things to try to keep these kids sane and to stay calm as they are being trained to become machine killers. They had some steps and processes to try to get them ready for war and to stay in control whenever there holding AK’s or what not like that. “There are hundreds of international organizations and non-government organization working on monitors the use of children in warfare, negotiating their treatment while in combat, and assist in their reintroduction to civilian life…”(Lyon 60) Even though we may not be able to stop all these children being used for war at least there are people and organizations attempting to help them as they are in combat. They have been attempting to accomplish this with drugs often and that may help them at the time but in reality you just depriving the kid of his life making him a killer machine. Kids are being left in poverty after these wars cause they often have nothing to look forward to when they get back either they lost there family or loved one in the war or he or she is just so depressed to even be able to live normal life again.
After children get forced to participate in war they cant just go back to what they were doing before instead they are left lost, scared, and even in worst cases left very depressed. “Children often prove themselves very adaptable with medical attention, counseling, and vocational training, many former soldiers return to normal life…”(Lyon 60) Like said they often go back to there normal lives but a lot of them are left in devastation and never get to live a normal life. Whenever a former solider comes back to where they live after such a devastation like war they often come home to nothing they may have lost a loved one or even lost there family. Even though these kids are done with the war, but the affects of the war is stuck with them. For most kids it can take months to years after leaving the war to even think about trying to go back to living a normal life again. Most families are either broken up or torn apart but it can take quite some time for a town to get everything up and running like it was before the war. And now that’s why we see in the Us Military that you cant use anyone under the age of 18 in the army and it’s a good thing they are now taking precaution, but hope it will spread to other parts of the