Name; Sophia Moore
Age; 8 months
Date of visit; 12th August 2014
A Physical Development
The subject of my observation is Sophia Grace Moore. Sophia is 8 months old and she is tall for her age. She has quite a lot of hair but mainly at the back of her head and is a brown/blonde colour. She has 2 teeth on her bottom gum and is still teething. She weighs about 18.8 pounds and is around 70cm tall. She is around the right weight but slightly taller than estimated height. I will be studying her to see if her appearance, height and weight changes through this task.
Sophia is very energetic, happy and always smiling, as she is only a baby she will cry if she does not get what she wants or needs. With her only being 8 months old she is very strong for her age and can crawl very fast, she also has a very good grip when she grabs things she is able to stand on her own for around 10 seconds leaning on nothing but then fall down. All of this shows that her Physical Development is improving. She will walk around using the sofa and other things for support, this is called cruising. She will also hold onto your fingers and walk with you but only with your help because you are holding her weight and stabilizing her.
Family Background
Sophia is an only child in a nuclear family. This would mean she probably won’t be good at sharing her toys as well as other children that have brothers and sisters as she has never had to share with other children on a daily basis. It was also mean that when the attention isn’t on her she will make a fuss and want it on her by moaning.
Both Sophia’s parents work, Adam, the father works 5 days a week but Sarah, the mother works 4 and a half days. On a Monday Sophia will go to her grandmothers and she will have her for the day, then Tuesday to Thursday Sophia will have full days in nursery and on Friday she will only be in, in the morning. This is good for Sophia as she will have different things to do