In this report I will be looking at the history of the childcare industry on how children had been looked after back in the day to today’s industry.
In history the first day care centre appeared in France about the 1840, and the societe des crèche was recognised by the French government in 1869.organising in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th century day cares were established in the United States by private charities in the 1850’s. The first being was the New York day centre 1854. Child benefit was introduced in 1944. It was set up to help the larger families. The environment in which our youngest children live, grow and play have changed over the last century for the best part of the 20th century. Most young children where cared for within the family home by either the oldest of the children the grandparent’s p until they started school at the age of three years old. The families would have been a lot larger in them days and they would have worked on the farm. Extended families would live on the same land as you. The Catholic Church and the state operated a symbiotic relationship in relation to many aspects of the Irish life, including education, independence. By the 1970’s woman got the choice to start on the workforce once more. Out of home care arrangement for the children became a necessary for some families. 2.3.1
What is childcare?
Child care is when a child is been supervised and cared by somebody else other than its parent or guardian. It cares especially for children under the age of 5 years although older children are cared for also but manly younger children. There is a range of different childcare services listed below. What is a crèche?
Crèche is another name for day care centre. If both parents are working or u are single parents you may need to look into a crèche. Children can start in a crèche as young as 4 months but to