Holly Girt School is a private Girls School; it is private because you have to pay to go to the school each term.
Meadow lane infant’s school is school which is a statutory setting; this is because it is run by the government. “These are services that have to be available by law, i.e. legislation has been passed which requires either the government or local authorities to provide them.” (Tassoni P, 2007, page 3)
Brownies is run by Girl Guiding UK, which is voluntary organised for girls and young women. Brownies is their section for girl’s ages 7-10 years. Adults volunteer to do activities, trips, camps and weekly meetings.
A private school gives children an education in classroom sizes which are smaller than a statutory school setting; therefore each child will get more attention and 1:1 time with the teachers. This supports families that want to opt out the compulsory statutory education. “These are profit- making services” (Tassoni P, 2007, page 3)
A statutory school aims to support families and children, because children will get a free education. This allows any class of people, whether it is lower, middle or higher class has the choice of a government ran education. Some families also like children to be in a bigger ranged class, as it gives their child more choices. This is compulsory education in this country.
Voluntary settings aim to support families and children because it is an excellent way for children to socialise, make new friends and learn new skills. It also gives children a chance to learn cooking; sewing, and many more life skills. Brownies also participate in community work for example; gardening, car washing and charity work. “These are services provided by organisations such as charities where some or all of their funding comes from donations.” (Tassoni P, 2007, page 3)
Within a setting it is important to value and respect all children as each child has different needs that have to be met. Each child is unique and practitioners