Statutory setting
Tassoni states “these are services that have to be available by the law” Tassoni (2007 p.g3) this is a government funded organisation, which caters for children from the age of 4-11. It is a legal requirement and failure to attend will lead to fines or prosecutions. Statutory settings all follow the national curriculum which dictates how any particular subject is taught i.e. programme plans, lesson plans objectives and lesson plans. Decisions relating to school matters are made by the governing body which consist of parents, teachers, professionals and the local education authority (LEA)
Highfield J/I school
Highfield School is a statutory school which caters for 840 pupils; it is situated in a deprived inner city area with many low income families and singles families. English is a second language to most of the children that attend school. There are many extra curriculum activities set by the school to allow children to attend particular activities that they may enjoy.
Private setting
Tassoni states “these services do not rely on charities” Tassoni (2007p.g3)This is a profit making organisation and is not funded by the government. Children do not have to attend these settings unless their parents/carers decide this is a good opportunity for them.
Dyson gardens children’s centre
Dyson Gardens is a private nursery based in the Washwood heath area also situated in the same deprived area of Highfield School, most children who attend Dyson Gardens also attend Highfield this means friendship can be made easier at school as they may already know pupils from nursery.
Voluntary settings
Tassoni states “these are services provided by organisations such as charities” Tassoni (2007p.g3)There are many voluntary settings, these are charities that rely on the public, and the government do not give money towards this as it is voluntary. There are many charities in the city of Birmingham many
Bibliography: http://www.acorns.org.uk/ - E1 acorns hospice http://www.unicef.org/violencestudy/pdf/ARC_working_with_children.pdf E6 http://www.childcare.org/ccr/values.asp E4