· Health and saftey at work act 1974
· Controller of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)Regulations 2002
· Reporting of injuries,Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2006
· Children Act 2006
· The Food Saftey Act 1990
E2 Describe the procedures which will keep a child safe for each accident, illness or emergency.
· Meningitis is a fatal infectious disease. Some of the signs of meningitis are a unexplained redish rash, vomiting,high tempurtue and photophobia(sensitive to light). When in the setting the immediate plan of action would be to firstly reassure the child and isolate the child from the group,inform the childs parents about the childs condition. The next step would be to seek medical attention by calling the emergency services (999).
· In the event of an asthma attack you must stay calm and reassure the child while putting the child in an upright position. You should give the child his/her blue relief inhaler and wait 5-10 minutes to see if the side effects of an asthma attack have gone, if not you should phone the parents and inform them of the incident then phone for an ambulance.you should constantly check the childs pulse and breathing.
· If a child recieves a bump on head you should apply a cold flannel or ice pack to the area and reassure that the child will be ok. You would then send for a first aider and record the incident in the accident book provided. Once you have recorded the accident in the book and the first aider is attending to the child you would fill out a head injury form and send it to parents. If the fist aider thinks the child is fine then once the child has recoverd they can join the others. If the first aider is worried they will record the childs vital signs e.g. pulse, breathing, level of consciousness and eyes. If the child is showing no improvement ring an ambulance and let the parents know.
· For