Describe the procedures for dealing with accident and injuries, illnesses and other emergencies.
There are lots of legislations that settings have to follow in order to comply with the law. These are clearly stated in the book of National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare. Settings such as schools must follow all laws and acts for ensuring children 's safety, health and security.
Accidents and Injuries
Standard 10 (Healthcare) 10.14 says that at all times a fully trained first aider must be available and there must be at least 1 trained first aider for every 10 children in the setting.
The first person on the scene of an accident should always report the accident to the school’s first aider at the first available chance. This person actually sends another child for First Aid because if they were to leave the injured child, something else might happen. The …show more content…
first aider assesses the extent of the injuries and takes the appropriate action. If it is a minor injury then the first aider must clean the wound or if it is a bump to the head a cold pack must be placed on the lump to minimise swelling. In more serious cases an ambulance must be called for immediately. The first aider will remain with the child and accompany the child to hospital until the parents are able to come to the hospital and be with the child. When the first aider is going to the hospital he or she must make sure they bring the child 's personal details and his or her medical consent form so that the paramedics know if the child has any allergies and knows about the child. It is vital that the first aider or the first person on the scene writes about the accident in the accident log book as soon as he or she can. This way if for any reason the accident needs to be re looked at all of the correct information will be in the book. If the accident causes a very serious injury then the LEA must be contacted and informed as soon as possible.
These procedures comply with the recommendations of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 1994, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) 1995 and Children Act 2004 and the needs of these laws will be met by following the above steps in the event of an accident.
“Such persons caring for the children should be trained in first aid and hold a qualification in first aid for infants and young children. All first aid qualifications should be kept up to date.”
Standard 10 (Healthcare) states that all parents must inform the staff of their child 's health care needs.
Practitioners must be told about infectious illnesses because they can be contagious.
If a child becomes unwell while in school or nursery then the parents must be informed and if the child has conjunctivitis or gastroenteritis they will need to stay at home for a minimum of 48 hours after the last time they vomited or the last time a crest was produced around the eye. If the child has symptoms of gastroenteritis or conjunctivitis then the child must be isolated from the rest of the children so that the illness cannot spread and their parents must be contacted ASAP. Body waste off the child must be disposed of immediately and appropriately making sure that the person cleaning the waste has the correct equipment on. Body waste such as vomit must be disposed of immediately down the toilet and the area must be disinfected straight away, if the vomit in on items such as clothes, the item must be wrapped twice and tightly sealed to stop the germs spreading. Parents will need to take the child home and keep them there until they are feeling 100%
By following these steps minimal illnesses will be spread around the settings and you will be fulfilling the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 1994, Children act 1989/2004, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) 1995 and Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and other Child Care Settings 2006.
Other emergencies
Fire Evacuation Procedures
“Fire drills are carried out at least every 6 months, recognising that young children benefit from more frequent practice.” (National Minimum Standards, 2012)
To ensure the safety of all children in event of a fire you must firstly on hearing the alarm evacuate all of the children from the classroom calmly, remembering to take the register with you. Next you must make your way to the fire assembly point through the available emergency exits, when you have reached the fire assembly point you must count heads of the children and take the register to make sure every child is out of the building. You must then wait until a fire marshal or a member of the fire brigade gives the all clear allowing everybody to return to the classrooms.
In following these steps you are meeting the requirements of the Fire Precautions Workplace Regulations 1997 law.
Dera, http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/14202/1/120309regchildcareen.pdf. Accessed 23/10/2013, 20:49 and 24/10/13, 17:29.