Class XI 2013-14
Total English (Class XI) : Specimen Paper 3, Questions 1, 2 and 3.
प्रश्न : " फूल हम घर में भी सूँघ सकते हैं ; परंतु वाटिका में कुछ और बात होती है।"- पंक्ति की संदर्भ सहित व्याख्या करते हुए बताए कि प्रस्तुत कहानी में प्रेमचंद ने किस आदर्श को स्थापित किया है और कैसे ?
Write an essay on the following topics
1. Ekti Nirjon Dupur 2. Ponprotha 3. Ku-sonskar
4. Khushir aarek naam benche thaka 5. Jol-Sanrakshan
Project : Title : SAARC and its impact on the Indian Economy.
Chapter 1. Classification of Human Activities - Economic and Non-Economic.
1. Explain the following terms: a. Human Activities b. Economic Activities c. Non-Economic Activities. d. Business e. Employment f. Profession.
2. Distinguish between: a. Economic and Non-Economic Activities b. Business, Profession and Employment.
Chapter 2. Nature and objectives of business.
1. Define Business. Explain the important characteristics of business.
2. Explain the need and function of business.
3. Explain the relevance of profit in business.
4. Why profit cannot be the sole objective of business?
1. Discuss the functions of Modern office .
2. Explain the qualities of a good office manager .
3. Examine the role of office in modern organization .
Page A-56 to A-57, Ex- 3.1 Solve 1 - 32
Write an account of the different schools of Psychology.
1. Write a note on the argument whether Political Science is a science or an art.
2. Write any eight points on the benefits of studying Political Science.
Project topic selection, setting hypothesis, write introduction.
Indian History Chapter 1:
1. State one action taken by Tilak to rouse the feeling of Nationalism amongst the people.