Of course since it was summer, we were anxious to start our day. Our niece was here for a visit and since she was two years younger we wanted to show her that we could do something she couldn’t. As little children you always want to do things that someone else can’t even though how lame you it’ll be 8 years later. My brother and I were jumping off the couch and since it was so high my 4 year old niece was too afraid to try. Although we did jump off the couch in an unsafe way, we stop on the back end on the high part of it. Meanwhile, my mom was repeadaly scolded us by saying some things about, to stop jumping off that you’re going to get hurt. We, of course, didn’t listen; as usual.
My niece was envious of our ability and wanted to try. My brother and I didn’t want her to try for the reason of finding out that she could do it too, so we said no. We repeatedly did it again and again.
My mother got tired of us not listen to her demand of stopping so she put me and brother in time out. Although, my mom was never good at keeping us in time out and immediately escaped. We just began where we left off and jumped of the couch. My niece kept trying to join in but we wouldn’t let her. Since at the time, was such a brat she started to whine and gave us a hint she was about to rat us out and cry; of course we wouldn’t want to get caught.
My brother and I knew what had to happen we would have to give in and let her join in. So we did and that was the worst mistake we probably ever made. We started walking up to the top of the couch. I held her right