November 2, 2010
Informative Outline Childhood Obesity in America
General Purpose: To inform my audience about childhood obesity.
Central Idea: To really see the effects of childhood obesity I have to inform my audience about the causes, long-term effects, and the solutions. I. Introduction a. ( ) Did you know that children have a higher risk of being diagnosed with liver diseases, orthopedic problems and asthma? I sure didn’t, and I didn’t know that children could be diagnosed with this from being obese. Child obesity is becoming a major problem in America. ( ) said, “Moreover, obesity …show more content…
in children has more than tripled in the past 30 years.” There are several factors of why children are becoming obese. Not only are children being diagnosed with liver disease and others, there at least eight more they could be diagnosed with. Thankfully there are solutions to how you can prevent your child from being obese or to help them become healthier. II.
Body b. Causes of childhood obesity i. School systems 1. Shawn Lawerence wrote in “Understanding and Acting on the Growing Childhood and Adolescent Weight Crisis” Their foods are high in fat and sugar 2. Children don’t receive daily exercise 3. They have vending machines with sodas and junk food. Shawn Lawerence also said, “soft drinks are the leading source of added sugars in the diet on youngsters” ii. How the parents are at home (rules) 4. Mom: Shanthy Bowman wrote in “Pediatrician’s Office: A Solution in the Prevention of Childhood Obesity.” The mothers pick the time to eat and what is for dinner 5. Both: John Fauber said in “Rates of Obesity Increase in American Children, Men” some parents don’t give children a time limit to TV, games, and computer. 6. Both: some parents don’t encourage exercise. iii. …show more content…
Media 7. Not enough education TV shows 8. Keep children inside all day
TRANSITION: Meanwhile, if your child is obese they could have a long-term effect. III. Results from children being obese iv. Not only can they be diagnosed with liver diseases, orthopedic problems and asthma, there are many different diseases that could come into effect. Dana Lee Olstad and Linda McCargar said in “Prevention of Overweight and Obesity in Children Under the Age of 6 Year.” that 9.
Coronary Artery Disease 10. Stroke 11. Hypertension 12. Colon Cancer 13. Type 2 Diabetes 14. Gall Bladder Disease 15. Osteoarthritis 16. Sleep apnea are the eight other diseases obese children can be diagnosed with. -
TRANSITION: Now that we know what the long-term effects of childhood obesity is, now we can try to prevent this and go over some solutions. IV. Solutions to childhood obesity c. School systems v. In an editorial called “Soda Banned from Schools” said that vending machines were removed but most are still in high schools. vi. Allow children (depending on grade) a certain intake of soda. vii. If possible, find a different company to get school food from. viii. Eric J. Oliver and Lee Taeku said in “Public Opinion and the Politics of Obesity in America.” That numerous proposals have came up and one was having children have a daily physical fitness education class. d. Parents ix. Moms: make healthier meals and pick a time that isn’t too late to
eat. x. Both: Alexander Russo said in his book, “Child Obesity: A Parent’s Guide to a Fit, Trim, and Happy Child.” To only allow a certain amount of time with TV, games, and computer time for your child. xi. Both: make time for exercise e. Media: xii. Have more educational TV shows for younger children. xiii. For example, in “Sharing Solutions of Childhood Obesity” by Ernie Hood said “Sesame Street, has something on their show called, Healthy Habits for Life. The program will promote healthy habits as being just as critical to early development V. Conclusion: Childhood obesity kills 300,000 Americans per year in America. ( ) said, “A lot of doctors are beginning to blame fast food as the number one reason because several people and families are eating fast food and junk food at least three times a week as their main meal.” Eating fast food isn’t the only cause, as I said before the lack of exercise and healthy eating also has a major factor in this as well. Sumdoctor also stated that alcohol consumption and smoking has to deal with this as well. To prevent children from becoming obese you can have them eat healthier, exercise daily, and cut down the amount of soda and junk food they eat and drink.