This shouldn’t come to a surprise to most, that America holds the number one position for obesity. (Wintrup) Not only Americans as a whole but the children. More than one of five children between the ages of 6 and 17 are considered overweight. This is something that needs to change immediately. There are too many health risks at stake for these young children including: diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and poor academic performance. (Alan) In 2005 a study found that children today may have shorter lives by two to five years than their parents because of obesity. (Palmer) Childhood obesity alone is not the only issue facing children today, although being overly large may prevent the child from living life to the fullest. However, the co-morbidities relating to childhood obesity are the real killers. Hypertension, type 2 diabetes, respiratory ailments, sleep apnea, and depression are just some of the common problems linked directly to obesity in children (Henry). Others are increased possibility of having high cholesterol, raised systolic blood pressure, experience of early menarche which links with future cases of breast cancer, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease (Ruxton ). All of these issues are associated with childhood obesity, and this is a fact that many people do not realize. Steps must be taken to prevent obesity and to promote wellness in children of all ages in order to save America’s children.
The biggest concern is that parents are not being observant with their children. Parents are trying to point the finger at fast food restaurants, but in reality they are the ones contributing. Many precautions can be taken to insure the health of children. For one limiting the time spent watching TV, or playing computer and video games. Watching TV and gaming promotes snaking and takes up time that could be spent doing physical activities. (Assessing Your Home Environment) Parents should also spend more time preparing well-balanced meals, and should promote healthy snacking. (Behavioral Measures for Weight Loss) Children will eat whatever their parents are providing. If parents buy a bunch of junk food than that is exactly what they will eat. It is also very important to teach children healthy eating habits at a young age so that they make better eating choices for themselves in the future.