Sharon Jackson
ENG 122
Matthew Morsworth
November 1, 2010
We are in an epidemic of overweight and obesity of children in the United States today. I have chosen to talk about “Childhood Obesity” for my research paper. As we all know that Childhood Obesity is in fact very real and also a risk of children becoming overweight and ending up a lot of health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure as well as death. For my narrowed topic for this research paper I have chosen “Childhood Obesity Runs in the Family.” This paper will show how Childhood Obesity is a serious public health issue with allowing our children to sit around and eat without having proper exercise and eating healthy in their daily routine.
What can do to help our children and the youth of today to stay healthy and from becoming overweight? It also has its pros and cons. It is very important in helping kids get and stay healthy even though it is not easy. The greatest contributor to childhood obesity is the family and how they eat and take care of themselves. Although you can say that poverty, the community and family genetics may play a part with it as well. The research that was conducted is and argumentative paper. I went on the Internet and searched under Google “Childhood Obesity” and of course I was faced with hundreds of information that I had to look through carefully to determine which ones were reliable and credible sources that I could use in my paper. I had also went on the Ashford Online Library under ProQuest and found a lot of information on “Obesity Runs in Families, So Does Surgery to Combat It.” I have found that the Online Library seems to more useful to me when looking on certain information because it has a lot of different articles, books, and newspapers to choose from in the Database that is more reliable than searching through the Internet.
There are a few points about childhood obesity that needs to be addressed. First of all obesity is categorized as the second-leading cause of preventable death in the United States. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 1963-1970, Obesity rates were four and five percent for children age 6-11 and 12-19. At the last NHANES from 1999-2002, obesity rates skyrocketed to 16% for both age groups. ( ). We can see how much and the numbers are increasing over the years. Since the 1960’s childhood obesity rates have tripled by age group. It is already an epidemic in some areas and on the rise in others. Over 22 million children under five are estimated to b overweight worldwide.
According to The New York Times stomach-reduction, or bariatric, surgery has become increasingly popular. Doctors and other experts have noticed a related trend among those seeking this procedure. They say in many of their cases they are relations. Like many problems, obesity tends to run in families. ( Is surgery the answer? It may help the adults, but for our children that may not be the best choice or the way to go. Studies have shown not only this is a risky surgery as well as any surgery is, but it does have a 1 in 200 fatality rate. This is surgery is done nationwide where there is over 60,000 people who have had this procedure and where society expects this year over 170,000 people to have this surgery. Like any medical problem doctors tend to believe that Obesity does run in the family and have noticed that it is a trend setter among the ones who is seeking this surgical procedure. It has been well known that when a family member has undergone this surgery and have positive outcomes and is doing well then other family members tend to go ahead with theirs.
On a healthier way to go the Aetna Foundation in Washington D.C. is introducing a 3-Point Play Program that will help encourage kids to be more physically active; eat healthier; and involve their families I making lasting healthy lifestyles changes. The program’s success is based on three measures: pre- and post-“Fitness grams” administered to each student; active program participation; and helping the school meet requirements of the D.C. Healthy Schools Act of 2010. ( promoting healthy lifestyles and promoting and implementing this in our schools it will help our children be aware and want to take better care of them and it will also help build up their self-confidence and get them fit and active.
The students will accumulate points by using a pedometer to help them monitor and keep up with the steps they are taken and the calories they burn. The school will then administer and track their points. It was important to develop this program and hoping that it would combat this trend of childhood obesity. One of the main goals is to create a dialogue and action in diverse communities to help people understand the heath resources that are available to them and encourage them to take a more active role in their health and wellness.
I have learned that first and most of all in order to prevent childhood obesity from overpowering our children it has to start first and foremost at home. We are the parents and we can control what our children are eating at home in our care. They are our future, and we can take them out and let them play and get the proper exercise that is needed. We need to step up and do what is best for our children and help them to grow and live longer and healthier lives.
Obesity; Aetna Introduces Health Competition, for Students in Washington, D.C.
(2010, October). Drug Week, 246. Retrieved October 21, 2010, from ProQuest
Family Health. (Document ID: 2154899751).
Alice Kenny. (2005, February 6). As Obesity Runs in Families, So Does Surgery to Combat It. New York Times (Late Edition (east Coast)), p. WC.5. Retrieved November 2, 2010, from Banking Information Source. (Document ID: 789412131).
IOM, September 2004. Overview of the IOM’s Childhood Obesity Prevention Study. Excerpt from Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance, 2005.