Destanie Garcia
October 10, 2011
Patricia Moody
Critical Argument Analysis
Childhood obesity is an ongoing epidemic in today’s society. This essay will focus on three different professional articles, which are related to childhood obesity. The three articles in this essay are “Fighting Childhood Obesity,” “Recognizing and Preventing Childhood Obesity,” and “Understanding and Acting on the Growing Childhood and Adolescent Weight Crisis: A Role for Social Work.” It will explain how the authors of these three professional articles construct their arguments using opinions and evidence.
In the first article, “Fighting Childhood Obesity” the authors structured their article extremely well; it is greatly organized and well-written. They had organized their paper in topics according to their topic and thesis statement. The topic was established right off the bat of their article, which is just as the title, claims, fighting childhood obesity. Their thesis statement was clearly stated as “Obesity involves multiple layers of causality, including the person, the family, the environment, the culture, and public policy” (Armstrong, Wacker, Best, & Mcpherson 2011, p. 42). The main supporting points used in this article dealt with financial barriers, food procurement and preparation barriers, childcare barriers, and environmental barriers. Financial barriers, for example, in which families cannot afford to buy the healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables or are able to get their children into athletic programs to keep them healthy and in shape.
“Recognizing and Preventing Childhood Obesity” was also very well constructed, organized, and well-written. The authors had organized their article into sections that support their topic and thesis statement. The topic, aside from childhood obesity, is about how childhood obesity is challenging pediatricians. The thesis statement used is stated as a question, which is “Will recognizing
References: Armstrong, S. C., Wacker, J., Best, D., & Mcpherson M. E. (2011, February). Fighting Childhood Obesity: Resources to help the community pediatrician curb this epidemic.. Contemporary Pediatrics, 28(2), 40-51. CINAHL Dolinsky, D. H., Siega-Riz, A. M., & Armstrong, A. C. (2011, January). Recognizing and Preventing Childhood Obesity. Contemporary Pediatrics, 28(1), 32-42. CINAHL. Lawrence, S., Hazlett, R., & Hightower, P. (2010, May). Understanding and Acting on the Growing Childhood and Adolescent Weight Crisis: A Role for Social Work.. Health & Social Work, 35(2), 147-153. CINAHL.