Children with Asthma
Adell Bell
Community College of Baltimore Country
Children with Asthma
According to the center for Disease control and preventing (CDC). Approximately 6.8 million children have been diagnosed with asthma. Asthma is one of the most common, serious, chronic diseases among children, accounting for 13 million absences from school each year. It is the most common chronic childhood illness. Asthma is a recurring inflammatory lung condition. The airways of the lungs are hypersensitive to irritants such as cigarette smoke, weather conditions and allergens. When these irritants are inhaled, the airways react by constricting, or narrowing. Although asthma can develop at any age, it most commonly begins in children. Some children develop asthma particularly in the first five years of life. Some children continue to have asthma into adult hood. In other children, asthma resolves. Asthma has become much more common in recent decades.
Triggers of asthma There are many potential triggers and most children respond to only a few, in some children cannot be identified. Common triggers, or modifiable risk factors, that tend to participate or aggravate asthma, outdoor allergens, and trees, shrubs, weeds, grasses, molds, pollens, air pollution, and spores; indoor allergens: dust or dust mites, and cockroach, irritants: tobacco smoke, wood smoke, odors, sprays, chemicals; exercise, cold air, changes in the weather and temperature. Also environmental change: moving to new home and school, colds and infection, cats, dogs, rodents, and horses. Medication such as aspirin, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), antibiotics, beta- blockers are also triggers. Last but not lest Foods, nuts, and milk and dairy products. These triggers all result in a similar response. Certain cells in the airway release chemical substances. These substances causes, the airways to become inflamed and swollen, and
References: Palmer, E. (2001), January / February). Family caregiver experiences with asthma in school age children. Pediatric Nursing, 27 (1), 75-81. Retrieved March 17, 2003, from EBSCO database. Encarta Encyclopedia World book 1998- Asthma Pocket Guide for asthma management and prevention.