Everyone who works with children have a duty to keep them safe from harm and or abuse. This is known as ‘Child Protection’. There are regulations, laws and codes of practice in place that make this a legal requirement. These legal requirements must be followed in order to protect the child from harm at your place of work. The child needs to feel safe and protected whilst in your care.
Within the setting policies and procedures are set in place to form a system of guidelines that all members of staff must follow. These guidelines cover various areas of safety within the setting and all staff must familiarise themselves with them. * All equipment must be checked regularly * All documentation must be secured safely with access only to those permitted * Risk assessments must be completed on activities, equipment and rooms * Child details must be updated and checked regularly * Signing in / out procedures must be followed at all times and passwords adhered to * All incidents must be recorded and reported firstly to your supervisor and then to parents / guardians upon collection of the child * Any concerns for a child must be recorded and reported to your immediate supervisor, who will then put a plan of action in place.
It is also important to remember that staff must take steps to protect themselves from harm, injury, abuse and false accusations. Following the guidelines will reduce the risks.
* Never place yourself in situations where allegations can be made, such as being alone with a child, parents or guardians * Record all incidents of concern and inform your supervisor * Follow the ‘man handling’ rules when moving equipment * Check equipment before use * Ensure that you have the correct child data and information before the sessions start * Never divulge information to other staff members who do not need to know
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