The Children’s act is a joined system of health, family support, childcare and education services so all children get the best start possible. Through the range of measures brought in under Every Child Matters: Change for Children programme, organisations providing services to children, such as schools, hospitals and the police, they all work together and share information between each other, so that all children, and especially those from vulnerable groups, have the support they need to:
• Achieve economic wellbeing
• enjoy and achieve
• stay safe
• Make a positive contribution
• be safe.
Equality Act 2010
This is a way of how people interact with others in society and is statutory …show more content…
Al government funded facilities need to abide by this code of practice.
The SEN code of practice implies that any child has a learning difficulty if they have any of the following obstacles:
• If the child has an intense difficulty in their learning than the majority of the children the same age can achieve for their ages.
• If the child has a disability that can prevent them from making use of the settings facilities used for their age group.
The SEN code of practice is made to ensure it sets out principles that can be used to support an inclusive education for all students. Some of the main points of the practice are:
• A child that has any kind of special educational needs should always have their needs met appropriately and …show more content…
The government published the children’s and families bill in February 2013. This included the changes in the laws regarding children and young people with special educational needs.
This law means the local authority are now responsible for making and having an education, health and care plan. These laws do provide frameworks to make particular practises punishable although this act cannot change people’s attitude’s it is there to help people expand and develop their attitudes about the equal value of every individual. safeguarding disabled children (2009)
Children and young people with SEN are at an increased risk of harm than most children or young people this is because of their communication with others, so this means that keeping them safe and out of harm can be more of a challenge. Children and young people that struggle with more stronger difficulties, such as very little or even no verbal communication and a need for intimate care can mean that their vulnerability is expected to be extremely high and it can be hard to diagnose if the child or young person is at harm with little communication and them physically not being able to tell you, so you need to make sure you look out for the