Chili (Capsicum frutescens) is commonly used as a food spice because of its hot and spicy taste. It was later discovered that chili has pesticide property that can be used to kill mosquitoes. Kamias (Hedychium cornarium) which is also used as food spice was also discovered to have properties that of astringent, stomachic, refrigerant & antiscorbutic.
Chapter I 1. Introduction and Its Background
The pesticide property of chili makes it a good basis for making this spice a good mosquito killer. Added with kamias and its chemical properties, a potent mosquito killer can be produced.
2. Statement of the Problem
This study aims the following: a. to find out if said mosquito killer is effective b. to determine if cost involve is more economical compared to the commercially produced pesticide/insecticide c. to establish that the mosquito killer when used does not have any adverse effect on human
3. Formulation of the Hypothesis i. This mosquito killer is effective when used. ii. The production of this mosquito killer is more economical compared to the commercially prepared ones.
4. Significant of the Study
This study was made to prove that both chili and kamias can be combined to make a potent and effective mosquito killer. Given the fact that we have abundant resources of these two spices, any ordinary person can formulate and produce this natural insecticide. Best of all, its’ cheap, economical and proven effective and safe.
5. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The scope of this study is based on the formulation and application of both chili and kamias extracts to mosquitoes.
6. Definition of Terms
Antiscorbutic: a remedy for scurvy
Astringent: substance is a chemical compound that tends to shrink or constrict body tissues, usually locally after topical medicinal application astringent,
Pesticide: any chemical substance used for killing pests, as insects
Stomachic: is one that