Ultimately creating a demand and presenting countless of opportunities for many immigrant groups across the globe. For many immigrants groups, labor forces were typically the only means for economic growth. In result, many employers relayed on the best fit and qualified groups to maximize profit in which led to a “competition” of employment in the states. In an effort to avoid competition, many Chinese immigrants-of the first period, migrated to western regions of the United States: California and states west of the Rocky Mountains. In many western regions, “The bulk of the of Chinese immigrants …became a source of cheap labor to work the railroads, mines, fisheries, farms, orchards, canneries, garment industries, manufacturing of cigars, boots, etc.” (Asian and Pacific American Federal Employees Council 1984, p.1). Westward expansion was deeply rooted by the competition of the transcontinental railroad. Chinese labor forces represented a significant number of those who contributed to the establishment of the transcontinental
Ultimately creating a demand and presenting countless of opportunities for many immigrant groups across the globe. For many immigrants groups, labor forces were typically the only means for economic growth. In result, many employers relayed on the best fit and qualified groups to maximize profit in which led to a “competition” of employment in the states. In an effort to avoid competition, many Chinese immigrants-of the first period, migrated to western regions of the United States: California and states west of the Rocky Mountains. In many western regions, “The bulk of the of Chinese immigrants …became a source of cheap labor to work the railroads, mines, fisheries, farms, orchards, canneries, garment industries, manufacturing of cigars, boots, etc.” (Asian and Pacific American Federal Employees Council 1984, p.1). Westward expansion was deeply rooted by the competition of the transcontinental railroad. Chinese labor forces represented a significant number of those who contributed to the establishment of the transcontinental