After reading this article, I found things similar to my culture. I am not Chinese nor a Cantonese, but a villager from Thailand, which I am also not Thai. My culture is Lahu, where there is no book about it to read so I can better understand my culture, and the rules and the food are similar to the way and what we eat. For example, we need bowls of rice and some vegetables and meats to call it a full meal. Also, it is similar to the structures of eating as with the Chinese where they have their own private rice bowl and the meals on the table for everyone. I think everyone should know about the differences between other culture because there are many unknown things and ways that will surprise us in one way or another. In addition, everyone should know that we don't act and do the same thing around the world but are constructed with multi-ways of living the life provided by God.
In conclusion, everything is not all the same so we have to learn from one another to better our life as a good neighborhood. And also just because one is different, it doesn't mean that you have to disrespect the ways of them doing it.