The most important things to Christains is the birth and death are part of life which God has created, so we should respect them. Therefore, no humans being has the authority to take away any innocent person, even if that person want killed. They belive that if you kill another human and you are christian, to god you will become unpure.
Another reson why cchristians think euthanasia think is wrong is because human beings are very important. They are made in God's image. They belive that their bodies were created by God in his own image for the distinctive destiny of sharing in God's own life. When they say that God created humans in his own image does not mean that people will actally look like God. It means that people have the capiacity for rational existence that will help them see what is good and to want what is good. That is why people should not ask for euthanasia for themselves because others have no right to value anyone, or …show more content…
They think that it is wrong to interfere with the process of the spirits moving toward God.Which means to Christians that when a Christian dies. Christians sorrow over their loss at the death of a Christian, they will also rejoice knowing our loved one has entered heaven.Which why christians belives strongly in this because going to heavan and being with god is the most important reason why they become