Choosing lifestyle or medication 1 We have all had some form of gastrointestinal distress at one time or another; it is not a fun time. Some individuals suffer from gastrointestinal disease. One disease I would like to discuss is spastic colon also known as irritable bowel syndrome, which is fairly common. Women are more likely to get spastic colon over men and about 20% of the American adult population has it. The types of food we eat such as spicy foods, fatty foods, cabbage and beans can irritate the colon, producing gas and making it uncomfortable. Drinking caffeine and alcohol can as well. These foods irritate the colon and can cause the spastic colon to flair up and cause even more problems. Avoid laxatives as well they can make you bloated, gassy and irritate the colon, if constipation is as issues try increasing the fiber. Stressful situations can cause problems with the colon as well. Life can be stressful work and home. Even if you are happy and content life is still with stress. Food is a hard choice as well; some people do not know how to cook without frying foods or making unhealthy choices. Plus it is good who wants to avoid the favorite foods. Small steps at first can be a positive way to make the shuttle changes. Jumping into a sticker diet can make the individual burn out and stop doing it. Plus your body may have withdrawals as well like caffeine if you stop it cold turkey you can get some very severe headaches. I would try lifestyle over medication first because first depending on medications can be overwhelming. As well as costly, and if the medication dose is missed that can set
Choosing lifestyle or medication 2 you back as well. Making small changes to the lifestyle you choose to live is a small cost for your health.
Choosing lifestyle or medication
Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach, Seventh Edition, by Mark Zelman, Ph.D.,
References: Human Diseases: A Systemic Approach, Seventh Edition, by Mark Zelman, Ph.D., Elaine Tompary, PharmD, Jill Raymond, Ph.D., Paul Holdaway, MA, and Mary Lou Mulvihill, Ph.D. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright © 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.