Beside the fact that this sort of alternative therapy is often very painful, there is no scientific evidence of its benefits.
Colon cleansing is an internal washing, oral and anal, based on the complete washing of the intestine. Oral cleaning regimes use dietary fiber, herbs, dietary supplements, caffeine or laxatives. The anal procedure “often involves the use of chemicals followed by flushing the colon with water through a tube inserted in the rectum”. (Dangers of Colonic Hydrotherapy, Christina Frangou). It is claimed to be useful for disposal of gas from the colon, fecal matter, toxins, …show more content…
Researchers of Georgetown University School of Medicine, looked at 20 studies find dozens of cases of problems: cramping, bloating, vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, renal failure, and the biggest problem of all, death. Dr. Mishori citing rectal perforations, acute water intoxication and even an outbreak of amebibiasis, a parasitic infection caused by contaminated equipment, among study findings said “inserts a rubber tube into the rectum, and fluid (often as much as 60 liters) is pumped in and out through the tube. The procedure is like an "enema on steroid.” As the gastroenterologist Dr. Christina Frangou wrote, colon cleansing can produce harmful effects on our health and it is a practice not scientifically supported. She reports on Dr. Mishori studies, a medicine physician at Georgetown University School of Medicine, in Washington, D.C., saying: (Frangou Christina, “Dangers of Colonic Hydrotherapy”December,2012)
These studies prove that colon cleansing is voodoo science because there’s no evidence of its reliability. The benefits of this procedure are not always rational and reproducible. Ironically, it seems its collateral effects are. There are often, in fact, some ill effects that hospitalized patients subjected to this alternative therapy have in common as symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, experienced for