Worksheet: Chp. 2 Pt. 2
29. One of the negative traits of the Aztecs is their tendency toward military oppression.
30. One of the positive traits of the Aztecs is their cultivation of a very refined, sensitive, and morally base culture.
31. The Aztecs and the Greeks were compared in that they both combined the body (materialism) and soul (spirituality).
32. Females weren't considered the "other" because of an ideology which stressed tribal identity over gender, and common plight of humankind over tribe.
33. Religion is the aspect of their lives that dominated them.
34. Education was considered important because it helped fulfill the lofty goal set forth by the guiding religious tenets.
35. Males where entitled to participate in a universal system of education while females were socialized for domestic duties and affairs. (including artistic craft and activities)
36. All education was provided by the priest in the Nahuatl language.
37. The two types of learning environment were calmecac (higher college) devoted to intellect and spirit where the priests and leaders received training and the telpochcalli (arsenal) were craft for the military warrior was taught for most young men.
38. Cuicacalli (house of songs) is the learning environment women were open to in which some women were allowed to become priestesses.
39. Poetry allowed the Aztecs to gain an ultimate understanding of reality and as a way of expressing the results of their inspirations.
40. Aztecs believed in heaven, hell and purgatory after death. Warriors who died in battle went to heaven filled with sunshine and flowers. People that died in sin went to a dark place or hell, Those who didn't do much and were grey ended up in purgatory.
41. Other similarities of the Aztec's beliefs to that of modern religions include baptism by water, dozens of supplicatory prayers, and commemorative holy days.
42. The Aztecs built pyramids because worshipand prayer