I. The Christian Worldview.
II. Living the Christian Worldview in the Family Life.
Do we have a narrow view of the Christian faith? Many see it as simply a personal relationship with God, a commitment to Sunday services, Wednesday evening Bible study, and a little witnessing.
Those are all good activitiesas far as they go. But Christians need to realize that every decision they make reflects their core values. So choices about voting, budgeting, marriage, movies, and heroes are all philosophical issues. Christians who don't have a distinctively Christian philosophya view of the world informed by biblical truthwill easily be suckered into living by the world's philosophies. …show more content…
Seeing this world as the scene of a new creation, Paul said, is possible only after one has experienced the new creation in one's self (2 Corinthians 5:14-21) . Only after the gospel's complete degree has seized us, only after we understand that in Christ the Name of God is being declared in all the earth, can we understand and develop a Christian worldview. A Christian worldview leads to a new way of seeing and doing and it derives from a new way of …show more content…
Rather he must gently lead, modeling the standard of loving well. The husband is the leader in the home and he is responsible to God for the direction the marriage goes.
Thirdly, the husband is to provide for the family. The first provision is for the wife's spiritual welfare, which is encouraged by means of daily Bible study and prayer together. He also needs to provide intellectually, emotionally. Provision physically means protection and also material provision.
The responsibilities of the wife. The first responsibility for the wife, as of the husband, is to live in love. Titus 2:4-5 reads, " That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers of home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." In biblical terms this means to consistently choose to act for the welfare of the other at whatever personal sacrifice. When both partners are committed to this way of life, the vast majority of marital problems are