Theology 104
Rossie Weste
November 25, 2013
Having a Christian Worldview is very important in my career field. Substance Abuse Counseling requires that you uphold a high standard of moral integrity and demonstrate a true image of God at all times. There are certain situations in our lives that people who have never heard of God or the message of God may need us to be a Bible to them. As Christians it is our job to shine the image of our creator in everything we do. In the next few paragraphs I will discuss three different areas and how the way someone handles them may make a huge impact.
Situation # 1 Stealing
Stealing something no matter how big or small it may be has a direct impact …show more content…
on your moral character. A simple definition of stealing would be to take something that doesn’t belong to you and claim it for your own. Theft doesn’t just mean material things such as office supplies. If an employee takes time off work when they aren’t sick this is stealing as well. In the counseling field one step on the road to recovery is to build a relationship based on trust and if someone is caught stealing this trust may be broken. There is an old saying that says” If he will steal from me he’ll cheat and lie on me too”. My Biblical basis for this first situation is included as part of the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:15 “You shall not lie”. (Bible, ESV)
Situation #2 Patience The second area that you must have and is not important for you to have it also effects those around you is patience.
In recovery programs most patients arrive in a hostile manner. As Christians we are to have patience and understand that many of these people are hurting. An addict typically starts using as a form of refuge in their lives. Society for the most part believes that addicts are this way because they choose to be. Many people begin abusing substances as a result of a sexual assault or physical violence not just sheer poor judgment. In my life God has given my many opportunities to cross paths with all sorts of people. One conclusion I have made is that no matter who they are and how bad they may seem on the outside everyone wants to be loved. God is not a God of persons. He sent Jesus to this earth to save everyone that will accept him as their Lord and savior. As Christians following a Biblical worldview we are called to have patience with others. Showing patience with your clients is very important to the recovery process. An addict’s natural reaction to change is to build walls and showing a cold shoulder rather than a warm heart may shut you out of their …show more content…
Situation #3 Fairness
The last area that the image of God is so important in is treating others fairly.
Fair and equal treatment is grouped as a separate area, but this area can actually be paired with the previous examples. As we follow the Christian worldview we should always strive to treat others like we want to be treated. We should love each other as Jesus Christ loved us. Fair and equal treatment was expected even in the times of Jesus. Matthew 7:12 “So whatever you wish of others would do for you do also unto them”. (Bible, ESV) Jesus didn’t come to this world and give his life for mankind to pick and choose who they believe is worthy of a helping hand. A common issue is addiction recovery is that many addicts honestly feel like no one really cares. As I stated before an addict natural reaction to confronting the changes in recovery is to typically build up a wall. The only way a counselor can effectively reach an addict is to build a relationship with the person and to always treat them like any other person. As Christians we are to reflect the love of God in all we do. As a counselor it is extremely important to always show a high level of love and compassion for your clients. Following the image of God means to always strive to treat others like God treats
Living in a Biblical Christian worldview is very important in everyday life. The image of God is not only a way to explain how we were created. The last three situations or areas are examples of how living in the image of God can greatly improve a counselor’s career. As a counselor honesty is vital in order to build trust between the client and yourself. Patience is also a great area of importance in many fields. Many jobs especially those dealing with people can be very trying at times, but we should always remember that God was patience and had mercy on us. And finally dealing with addictions is a very challenging and stressful career at times especially when progress is slow. One hurdle that will put a wall up is if addicts feel they are treated like a lowlife instead of a person who needs help. The image of God is a standard along with the other guidelines in the Bible that is necessary to help us prosper in this life.
1. Bible (ESV)