Discipleship Counseling
Douglas Berry
Liberty University
Introduction to Christian Counseling CCOU201
Professor Kendra Penn
Date July 27, 2012
We live in a hedonistic society. Pleasure is what drives, changes, and alters the existing cultural trends and norms of our society. According to behavioral psychologist “the basic laws of behavioral psychology holds that if something (a) increases the individuals sense of pleasure …show more content…
The spiritual model suggest “that drunkenness is a sign that the individual has slipped from his or her intended path in life” (Doweiko, Concepts Of Chemical Dependency, pp. 347). From a moral perspective, substance use disorders are the result of a weak character and or some preexisting character flaw? Many who hold a Christian World View perspective advocate the use of alcohol in moderation, especially for a specific religious practice, and for medical reasons. Still others advocate complete abstinence. It should be noted that what one believes does play a significant role in in the processes of abuse and addiction. An individuals world view helps navigate specific learned behaviors and their composit responses, it determines along with one 's genetic make up whether or not an individual will be inclined toward addictive behavior. There are many factors which come into play once the individual makes the choice to use an illicit substance. All three models complement each other; however, none has yet to give a definitive answer as to the question and treatment of substance use disorders. However, the Bio-psychosocial model may provide a definitive answer to these questions. According to this theory “it is believed that addictive behaviors are complex disorders multiple determined through biological, psychological, and sociocultural processes. This …show more content…
The role of the counselor should be progressive and depending on the clients specific needs and problem(s) it should be goal oriented. The interaction between counselor and client should be reciprocal. However, during the process of this reciprocity, defining roles should not be lost, misrepresented, abused, and or manipulated. The counselor defines his or her role as well as does the client. The reciprocity of the counselor client relationship is specifically for the benefit of the counselor. The counselor should learn as much as he or she can about the specific issues and problems surrounding their client so as to be able to address the needs of other clients with similar issues. At no time is the counselor to elicit any personal and or confidential information to their client unless it will have a profound and beneficial impact upon their client in the treatment process. Discretion should always be used. Dr. Neil Anderson and his Freedom Based Ministries approach encourages “the integration of God into the counseling process” (Dr. Anderson, DISCIPLESHIP COUNSELING, pp. 97). According to Dr. Anderson “establishing the right relationship between the encourager (counselor) and the counselee as a well as a right relationship between counselee and God is essential in the treatment processes” (Dr. Anderson, DISCIPLESHIP COUNSELING, pp. 97). However, Dr. Anderson 's approach leaves the