Within the scholar’s profound study and presentation, the Christianity’s culture of the medieval times is the basis for the comprehension of the mappemonde. Starting with the way the map faces, which is pointing east directing the study to the beginning of life where God created Eden and the center of the map is the beginning of Christianity. And the further you move away from the center of the map, which is Christianity, you are to encounter other being, which are disformed human. But located in the upper center God the creator of everything that is under his feet, the omnipotent, who can exercise judgment, and condemn souls because their sins …show more content…
Through the sociological cultural identification of the medieval times, it is perceived that Christianity has grown considerably, as well as their control and influence of the time, is a testimony of that influence, where no other religion is talked about in relation to the map or even their existence, when some other religions are older than Christianity. Furthermore, the bias and cultural assumptions of the pass, are still present now a day, but with a different twist. How the people from distinct parts of the world are represented as abominations, how they are perceived, tells us their assumptions of the other cultures about themselves. The mappemonde’s information provided by the scholars, as a true medieval map of the world, gives a solid background of information from different approach to understanding and are encompassed in its title, “The Beauty of Maps”, since it is stored alongside other maps in the United