Christianity originated from the Early Roman Empire. It was spread by Paul. Paul would take long journeys across the Mediterranean and through Greece, to tell people about …show more content…
One way the are similar is that they are both monotheistic, meaning they believe in one god. They actually believe in the same God. Another way they are similar is that they both believe that God sent the prophets Moses and Abraham. Christianity and Islam are also very different. One way they are different is that, they have different sacred text, Islam has the Quran and Christianity has the Holy Bible. Another way they are different is that the Islamic belief is that Muhammad is the messenger of God, and Jesus was a prophet, Christianity belief is that Jesus is the messiah. World religion is important to the world because it brings people together, it unites communities. In the world religion unit I learned that, even though there is many religions, we should learn to appreciate them. I learned that even though society is bashing muslims for being Islam, and different, muslims actually believe in the same God as christians and have really high morals for their people. I believe that this unit helped me open my eyes to accepting all religions, even if I am not that specific