Industry game-changers The E&M industry 2011-2016 Television Film Print Wired and mobile internet access Wired and mobile internet advertising Gaming Radio Music Out-of-home advertising 04 14 18 26 33 42 45 49 55 59 62
Welcome to the India Entertainment and Media Outlook 2012. We bring you the key trends and developments across nine E&M industry segments in the country. The new revised and crisp format promises to make your reading more focussed and insightful. Our new segment on internet access includes both wired and mobile internet connections and probes why internet access is a key enabler for the delivery of digital FRQWHQW DV D VLJQL FDQW JURZWK GULYHU IRU WKH ( 0 LQGXVWU\ This year the report also focuses on identifying game-changing initiatives which have the potential to take the industry to a new growth trajectory in the coming years. India is among the top 15 countries in the E&M industry by size, and is projected to be the fastest growing among even them, over WKH QH[W YH \HDUV :KLOH WKH ,QGLDQ ( 0 VHFWRU LV SURMHFWHG WR JURZ DW D UDSLG UDWH WKH RYHUDOO SRWHQWLDO LV VLJQL FDQWO\ KLJKHU given the existing under-penetration in advertising and consumer spends. Conceptualisation and implementation of game-changing initiatives, supported by robust infrastructure and policy frameworks, will be critical for achieving the vision of a ‘100 billion USD’ industry. CII and PwC are thankful to industry stakeholders for sharing their insights and viewpoints, which helped us put this report together. We also appreciate your feedback and request you to continue to tell us what can make the publication more useful to you.
Chandrajit Banerjee
Director General Confederation of Indian Industry
Smita Jha
Leader, Entertainment & Media PwC India
India Entertainment and Media Outlook 2012
01 Industry game-changers
The Indian E&M