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Julie Lakes
By Ralph Kober
I am grateful for the comments of Susan O’Leary and Robert Cornick who helped develop this case
Julie Lakes let out a sigh; another tutorial, another sea of blank faces. It was week 6 and the majority of students were still not participating. Five minutes into the tutorial and Julie already knew that although it was only an hour, this class would be a long boring one for both her and the students.
Why wouldn’t the students participate given there was a 10% tutorial mark? This could make the difference between passing or not! As always, the lecturer had gone to painstaking lengths to explain the theory in great detail and the mechanics behind the calculations. Given such in-depth lecturing why hadn’t the students got it? Or had the students got it, but were just not doing their tutorial work? Or were the students doing their tutorial work and just not participating? Or were the students not interested? Or were the students too shy to participate? Julie couldn’t understand the students’ lack of participation. After all, they were adults and she wasn’t going to bite. She was there to help them! Why didn’t they take advantage of this?
Julie didn’t know, but either way she was annoyed given she had given up her valuable time to prepare for this tutorial when she could have been working on a revising a journal article she was writing. One more journal publication and she was sure she would get the promotion to senior lecturer.