External factors, such as movies, affect us because they change our personality.
Outside influences do impact our character as they shape who we become. Some research concerning this topic have been compiled into an article, “Violence in the Movies: Cinematic Craft or Hollywood Gone Too Far?”, discussed traumatic scenes that appear in movies that often leave negative impressions upon the audience. In addition, younger audience viewing these violent films might experience a shift in their nature since “‘exposure to media violence leads to aggression, desensitization toward violence and lack of sympathy for victims of violence....’” (30, paragraph 6). Anyone can overcome even the worst thing by being involved with it over and over again. In the same principle, unacceptable actions, like murder and foul play, can become normal in one’s mind if it was exhibited repeatedly in videos. This is extremely serious to children due to the fact that they are not fully matured, making them very impressionable by movies and films that they watch. Furthermore, they might learn to lie and not care for others as many videos might suggest in some