The CIPD HR Profession Map (HRPM) is a tool to assist HR practioners to assess what level they are working at “from band 1 at the start of an HR career through to band 4 for the most senior leaders” and to explore ways to develop their competencies to transition to the next level.
The HRPM is divided into two groups - 10 professional areas and 8 behaviours – see the diagram below.
The professional areas and behaviours are summarised below: Professional Areas | Strategies, Insights and Solutions | the HR practioner needs to have a deep understanding and insight of strategies and business activities. “This understanding – and resulting insights – allows us to create prioritised and situational HR strategies that make the most difference and build a compelling case for change”. | | Leading HR | describes how an HR professional must be able to lead themselves, others and activities to contribute to the overall business activities | | Service and delivery information | ensures that the delivery of HR services is accurate, timely and within budget | | Employee engagement | analyses the employee’s experience and creates opportunities for employee engagement which will have a beneficial effect on productivity, absenteeism, retention etc | | Employee relations | manages all relations with employees according to the organisations policies and procedures which are underpinned by relevant employment law | | Learning and talent development | aims to ensure that the workforce has the necessary skills to meet the short, medium and long term goals of the organisation | | Organisation design | ensures that the organisation is appropriately designed to deliver organisation objectives in the short and long-term and that structural change is effectively managed | | Organisation development | develops an organisation can develop its values and behaviours to match its culture and philosophy | | Performance and reward | ensure that reward
Bibliography: Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development MEINTJES, R-S. (2010) Develop the Powers of Persuasion People Management -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. CIPD HR Profession Map