Course No: E03-005
Credit: 3 PDH
A. Bhatia
Continuing Education and Development, Inc.
9 Greyridge Farm Court
Stony Point, NY 10980
P: (877) 322-5800
F: (877) 322-4774 CHAPTER 2
Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
1. State the reasons circuit protection is needed and three conditions requiring circuit protection.
2. Define a direct short, an excessive current condition, and an excessive heat condition.
3. State the way in which circuit protection devices are connected in a circuit.
4. Identify two types of circuit protection devices and label the schematic symbols for each type.
5. Identify a plug-type and a cartridge-type fuse (open and not open) from illustrations.
6. List the three characteristics by which fuses are rated and state the meaning of each rating.
Identify a plug-type and a cartridge-type fuse (open and not open) from illustrations.
7. List the three categories of time delay rating for fuses and state a use for each type of time-delay rated fuse.
8. List the three categories of time delay rating for fuses and state a use for each type of time-delay rated fuse. Identify fuses as to voltage, current, and time delay ratings using fuses marked with the old military, new military, old commercial, and new commercial systems. List the three categories of time delay rating for fuses and state a use for each type of time-delay rated fuse.
9. Identify a clip-type and a post-type fuse holder from illustrations and identify the connections used on a post-type fuse holder for power source and load connections.
10. List the methods of checking for an open fuse, the items to check when replacing a fuse, the safety precautions to be observed when checking and replacing fuses, and the conditions to be checked for when conducting preventive maintenance on fuses.
11. Select a proper replacement and substitute fuse