Veronica Hocutt
Strayer University
Dr. Gideon U. Nwatu
CIS 524
October 16, 2014
In this paper we will analyze the importance of user interface design and how the significant the interface presents itself in our everyday lives. Some of the most basic daily tasks can be accomplished by using at least one type of interface. The most basic purpose of a user interface is needed to communicate with machines. The three most common types of an interface are: touch sensitive interface, menu interface and graphical user interface. Some of the most basic transactions can be conducted through an interface. For example, using a smart phone, laptop, and using an ATM machine are common ways a person …show more content…
That means if screen becomes damaged it can be difficult to see the available options. Also user could have difficulties choosing the right option, because potential damage on the screen won’t allow the device to detect a given instruction. The second disadvantage is that touch sensitive interface can offer only limited options. Menu interface is very easy to use. In most cases anyone can work out what to do, even someone who has never seen the interface before. Regardless I found one thing inconvenient. It depends how menu interface is designed, but in most cases user can 't go to the desired place immediately. User has to go step by step through the menu screens to reach his final destination. If it takes too long user can get annoyed or bored. The second think that needs to be taken in consideration is the fact that many can take over a big part of the screen, which can make confusion when user tries to go back and forward between applications. As regards to the graphical user interface which can be considers as the simplest known interface. But that’s just an illusion from the outside. The truth is that GUI use more processing power and needs significantly more memory to run than other types of interface. Users often find GUI takes up a much more of hard disk space than other