DIRECTIONS: Using your Bluebook and Washington Style Sheet, provide the stand-alone citation for each of the following. Include the parallel citation. Insert “___” when information regarding volume or page number is not provided. Although this is an in-class exercise and your answers will not be graded, you must complete the assignment and submit it to receive 8 points.
1) The Office of Personnel Management versus John A. Richmond, III. A 1990 United States Supreme Court case located at volume 496 of the official reports, starting on page 414.
OPM v. Richmond, 496 U.S. 414 (1990)
2) The Committee to Prevent Municipal Bankruptcy versus Alexander Renne. A 1996 federal Court of Appeals case that originated in Oregon, located at …show more content…
Alice A. Fox. A 2000 U.S. District Court case, originating in the Southern District of New York, located at volume 93 and starting on page 531. (This is the second series of the relevant resource).
NRDC. V. Alice A. Fox, 93 S.D.N.Y. 2d . 531 (2000)
4) Shorewood West Condominium Association versus Adam Sadri Jr. A 2000 Alaska Supreme Court case, located in the regional reporters in volume 992, starting on page 1008, second series.
Shorewood West Condominium Association V. Adam Sandri Jr., 992 P.2d 1008 (2000)
5) The People’s Organization for Washington Energy Resources versus The Utilities and Transportation Commission. A 1985 Washington Supreme Court case, located in the official reports in volume 104, starting on page 798, and in the regional reporters in volume 711 on page 319, second series. (Provide the full parallel citation).
W.E.R. v. Utilities and Transportation Commission, 104 Wn. 2d. 798, 711 P. 2d 319 (1985)
6) Kevin Albright, Jr. versus Mandy Cardona, a 2000 Texas Supreme Court case found in volume 228 at page 704 of the second edition of the relevant regional reporter.
Kevin Albright, Jr. v. Mandy Cardona, 228, S.W. 2d, 704