Frits Seegers : President of Citibank California
Lisa Johnson : Area Manager
James McGaran : Branch Manager of Los Angeles Area Branch. Lisa Johnson
Los Angeles area Manager.
Joined the company in 1978 in Chicago and moved to California in early 1988.
Her area was the biggest in the division and included two regions that had previously been managed separately.
Supported many managers and was well versed with the events in each branch.
James mcgaran
Working in the banking industry since 1977.
Joined Citibank in 1985 as assistant branch manager.
Promoted as Branch Manager of Los Angeles area branch.
The branch in which he was working had very diverse customer base.
He had delivered impressive financial results for four years in a row from 1992.
Purpose of balance scorecard
Set clear goals for appraise and provide specific measures for the person doing appraisal
Includes both quantitative and qualitative parameters
Provide organization with tools to do strategic management and operational control
Helps executives to focus on several important measures that drive the strategy
Introduction to balance scorecard
They implemented performance scorecard specifying goals and measures manager’s performance in 6 areas:
Financial measures
Strategy implementation
Customer satisfaction
Control measures
Indicators to balanced scorecard
Financial Measures: Focused mainly on total revenue and profit margin against targets.
Strategy Implementation: Measures tracked revenue for different types of target customer segments relevant to the strategy of the branch.
Customer Satisfaction: Derived from questions that focused on branch service as well as other Citibank services.
Control Measures: Reported by evaluation by internal auditors on the branch’s internal control processes.
People and Standards: Non quantifiable ratings determined subjectively by the branch manager’s boss.
Performance evaluation method used in Citibank
3 types of ratings for each